Sunday 4 January 2015

Envisioning the Future

We have the Power within us, to manifest our Destiny, by focused thought channeled through burning desire. Seeing our future in a positive Lights helps us balance the energies that are shaping our experiences of Reality. Here are 5 reasons to Hail Up the road ahead.

  1. Good Health

Everybody is Awakening to the Quickening of the Earth's Ascension, and taking the time to truly Heal, Re~generate, and Fine Tune our bodies to correlate with these frequencies is defiantly an exciting and rewarding time. Using Natural products such as Shea Butter for the skin and eating Natural foods in season will help to cultivate us internally and externally, purifying our Aura.

   2. Meditation.

By focusing on our Future, we will really take the time to go on an Internal journey as our Physical body naturally aligns with Spirit. Establishing such Balance ~Ma'at~ ensures that we Seek that which is Righteous and are led not astray in the Valleys of the World, to be devoured by procrastination and idleness...

3. Re-kindled L.O.V.E

Learning Our Vibrations Equity. Every cycle has its phase and all must complete 360 degrees to fulfillment, hence the theme of Self Love is tantamount to our Existence. It is where we came from and we must return with Respect for our Ancestors. We are shifting back to the older Traditions of our Image that held us firmly in place all those years ago, serving as a reminder of our True Value in Life.

    4. Great Music

Music is Life and where there is Life, there's Music!

    5. Generation 'Love' 

The upcoming Generation of Earth Angels, better known as Generation Love or as some might call them the Crystal Children are here to offer Clarity and undiluted Love to the Universe. A Rainbow Tribe of pure Souls representing an unprecedented culmination of Cultures and Heritage, our children possess the potential to eradicate ignorance, intolerance and violence. We would do well to strive to our maximum capability, to equip our Life Seed with the tools such as Patience and Humility, and also Resilience, so that they may one day achieve Harmony on Earth.


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