Wednesday 10 December 2014

Representing Rasta...

There has been a lot of discussion and articulation on what defines a Rasta truly, and at present none can dispute that defiantly it is an I'ncient force that binds naturally to our essence and guides us through our journey of natural livity. Natural and Rasta are akin to one another, the same root from the Tree of Life. If you live natural your living the Rasta way of life. However, there are inconsistencies with peoples outlook on what is acceptable as a Rasta and what is not. Antique Beauty, as representatives of Rastafari's Daughters serves as a platform to endorse ALL things natural. Specifically, but not limited to Natural Women and particularly women who also identify themselves as Rasta. Ism's and schism's is not a practice of A~B therefore it is imperative to set the boundaries for the site from the offset as to avoid any confusion in the future.
 Whilst the site is for the viewing pleasure of all, our prime audience members, active participants, future clientele and business associations as well as features are for exclusively:

  • Natural woman, specifically those with chemical and extension/attachment free hair.
  • Women of Indigenous descent.
  • Women whom consume no red meat and limited dairy products.
  • All individuals Male and Female of Indigenous descent with the means to implement action based reform for the benefit of all people, especially those on the continent of Africa.  
  • Those of whom fit the above descriptions and recognize Hailie Selassie 1st as King of Kings and give reverence to his earth consort Her Diviness, Empress Menen 1st..
  • Women must be free from any artificial body alterations unless the result of a life saving procedure.
  • All most uphold good levels of personal hygiene and child/home care on a daily basis.
These are just some of the basic Principles so that communication can run efficiently and cohesively as individuals within this criteria tend to be more agreeable among one another and hold similar or generally positive aspirations.
These criteria, however do not define One as a Rasta per se. For instance, just because a person may recognize Hailie Selassie 1st and have unprocessed hair they may not see or relate to themselves as Rasta. What we have learnt to do in our existence is stereotype,  which is a juvenile habit passed down through generations of ''chinese whispers''. I have learnt personally that it is much more wise to ask someone if you really want to know and take the persons response for what it is until they prove or you see contrary to that. The question to add as a final thought food is, where is the limit to what one can do whilst Representing Rastafari. It is a Holy and Sacred title of Anointing and many are sensitive as to how and when peoples should represent, wave the flag, hold the square...
Especially when the focus is on women, who throughout history have been told that there divinity is in there modesty. There are some among us Nubian that challenge that notion, with our self-knowledge of our bodies that give us the freedom to intertwine our spiritual livity with our physicality even its sensuality. We can be Rasta and dominate in our own sectors as well as other non traditional ones such as becoming Beauty Queens and lingerie/swimwear models and exercise creative artistry with our body's whilst standing firm in what builds us. There need not be a compromise as Rasta are able to maintain (or be in a state of learning)  a level of self respect and elegance in all endeavors. Furthermore, the boundaries are so varied, from not covering our Crowns to exposing our flesh and wearing make up, how do we set a limit as a unified movement? I have a beautiful collection of sistrens who may or may not be Rasta's but they are all in some form reflective of A~B's image profile , so who, if any, would you say have captured a beautiful moment and are still seen respectfully as Rasta in your eyes? 



All Rights of these pictures are Reserved to Respective owners.

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